Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

Inspiring People

Hello reader , how do u feel right now ? fine ? sad ? confuse ? or na na na ?
okay , please check out this entry for "killing" your time hehe :)

Now, i wanna tell u my inspiring people of my life till present . Hmm , first of all , my inspiring people of course my Great Prophet Muhammad SAW . Why ? yeah he is the most honorable person of all time , he brought us the prosperous religion , Islam :) . His character is the role model of Great Man .

The second one is Albert Einstein . Why ? i really adore him with his "out of box" minded , his mind was awesome . He taught us that imagination is unlimited .

 The third of my inspiring people is Steve Jobs . His leadership to build his Apple is my sight to start my own enterpreneurship . He built his company from nothing and become money machine at recent , but he had to failed his college once and i don't want to do that .

okay , there's three people who inspiring my life . I wanna combine all their abilities as possible as i can and be useful for my religion , my country and the world . 

Thank's for reading and be success , reader .

Rangga Adryana
Faculty of Industrial Technology - ITB

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